Irudi galeria
Fitxa osoa
- Bilduma mota:
- Biblioteka
- Zenbakia:
- 6442
- Jatorria:
- Egilea / emailea
- Jew's Harp Society
- Edizio datuak:
- Michael Wright. Harm Linsen. Nº7-2022
- Kokapena:
- XVIII / 3
- Edukia:
FREDERICK CRANE -for us he is the first: Alekseev ivan Egorovich and Unarova Lyubov' Dorfeevna;
LUKAS GRÖSEL: The Jew's Harp in communication: an intercultural comparison of chosen examples;
KIMUNG:The dybamics of Karinding in west Java;
HARM LINSEN: The Ediochecò, a missing Link in Jew's Harp Genealogy?;
CÄTLIN MÄGI-JÄAGO: Estonian Jew's Harp;
RENÉ PAES: Ger Groothedde- More than a half century of Jew's Harps;
PETER WHITRIDGE: The sound contact: historic Inut music-making in northern Labrador;
ALBERTO LOVATTO, ALESANDRO ZOLT: Valsesian Ribeba and Trump Italy;
ALESANDRO ZOLT: Jew`s harp archaeological and Underground Finds in Italy: brief summary;
GJERMUND KOLLTVEIT, À RON SZILAGYI AND TEO TADAGAWA: Impessions from the Shimao Site and the Ancient jew's Harps Found There;
MICHAEL WRIGHT: A Double Fiftieth Anniversary;
- 1548-145X
- Neurriak:
- 114;30